Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lunchtime In The City of Lester's Loneliness


Another weekend for food. I'm going to put a big old pork shoulder in a salt and sugar rub and set it in the fridge overnight and start cooking it low and slow tomorrow morning. Serve it with a peach sauce, and a salad of arugula, pecans, and gorgonzola.

Today it's quick and dirty tequila shrimp on brown rice with panfried black bean coriander cakes, garlicky rappini, and ice cold beers.

It is hot as blazes today, hot as its been all year, hotter than it ever got all summer. So we're gonna eat out on the back deck in the dappled shade of the maple that is filled to the rafters with chattering birds.

The dog has been walked on the east west ranch, and given a proper bathing.

The house awaits its cleaning, although it may have to be patient.

The woman is out in the studio, making something beautiful and strange.


You guys should come over. Bring some crabs if you do.





Anonymous nursemyra said...

you want me to bring crabs? Damn, I've just fumigated

12:55 AM  
Blogger tearful dishwasher said...

I meant, like, dungeness or King, not, well, the kind you can get rid of by fumigating.

But I'm glad you did fumigate, regardless of what I want to have for dinner!

You are an odd duck, don't think I'm unaware of it.

But I am all the more glad for your company because of it.



3:55 PM  
Blogger Ms. Moon said...

tearful- the more I read you, the more I want to ask you- Who was your father? Did he look like my old drunk, dead daddy?

9:07 AM  
Blogger tearful dishwasher said...

Ms. Moon-

My god, maybe that's it. I believe we're kin.

My daddy makes me look like a shirker. He's a leather hard ex-police with a drawl and kind smile and he came up as a Dallas police and my god the stories he can tell. The shit I saw him do and live through.

Anyway. I think we chase it down, we'll find a branch on the family tree we both belong on.

Bless you. Sincerely.



5:39 PM  
Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Well, no. That would not be my daddy. Oh well. You are right. Some branch, some where. This life or another.

7:07 PM  
Blogger tearful dishwasher said...

amen, sister.

7:18 PM  

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