Monday, November 09, 2009

Leading The Blind To Water And Making Them Drink


I got a love for this world.

I know it aims to kill me.

It's just so damn good looking.


One of my big faults is buying into this idea that to be a man you have to be a fist-fighting, bridge-building, bear-killing, art committing, novel-writing, good-woman-loving, stout-hearted, fearless, warm-hearted, sink-fixing, celestial-navigating, straight-razor-shaving, bronc-busting, homestead-making, fish-catching, bomb-defusing son-of-a-bitch.

And I am short a few of the above.


It galls me.


But I have put a few sons of bitches away.

I have put down almost every murder that came my way, and then some that never really did. I had to go stick my nose into them and get what I was after.

Nor have I forgotton those I have failed.

Your faces yet live with me.


I am a dyed in the wool so and so.

You can ask anybody.


Namaste, y'all.


Blogger Mim said...

How about "wood-splitting"? Too much damn pressure on men!

I could make a list about women too, beginning with "cookie-baking."

Wonderful spirit!

7:32 AM  
Blogger Radish King said...

You made me smile all over. Oddly enough, I read Mim's comment as banging. There's somethin wrong with me for true and I don't care. I love you all.


8:06 AM  
Blogger melissashook said...

straight-razor shaving...that means you have a small wooden? bowl with a brush for all that lathering and a razor strop to sharpen the impressive implement with...
what's so interesting about your blog is that is exudes your definition of a man.

4:03 AM  
Blogger deirdre said...

fist-fighting, bridge-building, "bear-killing, art committing, novel-writing, good-woman-loving, stout-hearted, fearless, warm-hearted, sink-fixing, celestial-navigating, straight-razor-shaving, bronc-busting, homestead-making, fish-catching, bomb-defusing son-of-a-bitch."

I dunno, it sure sounds like you to me.

9:50 AM  
Blogger melissashook said...

Hey, Dishwasher, I was rolling a student's film in the dark with another student who was rolling his film and I was asking him about his project. He's a vet, was in Iraq twice and is project is about the difference between who is he now and who he was then. I asked what major he is and he said Criminal Justice. And I thought that was interesting and asked if he was going into the police force...and he's planning to, so while he was waiting for the room to clear out where other students were developing their film, I showed him your blog...which he found very interesting. He took down the name.
Aren't blogs magic?

12:26 PM  

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