gone fishing

Last night we had roasted carrots in balsalmic honey-butter, and brazillian style collards in garlic, and a big ol' salad. Everything from the north county farmer's market.
Tonight I'm making almond-crusted salmon with leek and lemon sauce, and roasted new potatoes in a spring herb pesto.
And a Norman zinfindel.
Fuck me running.
I like this cooking stuff.
We are going to join the Cal-Poly Community Serviced Agriculture program in September. You sign up for twelve weeks and pay them and they give you a big old box of whatever's fresh and good from their organic farm program.
We've been reading a lot of Michael Pollan. The Ominvore's Dilemma. The Botany of Desire. In Defense of Food.
Guy makes a pretty good point.
We've bought in, lock, stock, and barrel.
I think I got like eleventy-six thousand plums off the tree this morning. Time for another cobbler.
Ohm mani padme ohm.
now i believe it: there is too a utopia, and you went and found it.
the botany of desire is one of my favorite books. i'd forgotten and i'm glad you brought it up because now i think i'll get his others.
I don't know about utopia, but I'm pleased with what I've managed to scrape together and I hope God is not in any big hurry to take it away from me.
Dottie Kee Bones-
You should. You should.
I can't say what a charm you are for this world. Keep it up.
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